Monday, November 3, 2008

Distance Relationship

A thousand kisses will never be,
Enough to satisfy my craving heart's plea,
Tommorrow will be the day I love you more,
Than today or yesterday or ever before,
Words and phrases will never do,
What my heart feels so deeply for you,
Deeper and deeper my feelings go,
My head is spinning too and fro,
I want you here, forever and more,
For our hearts to join and together explore,
Our hearts beat and beat as one,
Feel what I'm feeling, it's only begun,
Yet, slowly my desire turns to rage,
My heart feels as though it's within a cage,
You are so close yet so far,
At times like this I wish upon a star,
I wish you were here and not over there,
Yet life is hard as well as unfair,
All I can do is wish and wait,
Until we meet again as that is our fate,
I love you more than my words can say,
And forever my love will grow each passing day,
Until the day I gently hold your face,
Kiss your lips within a candle lit place,
Hold you close and feel you near,
Kiss your cheek, whisper to your ear,
Feel your soft skin beneath my hand,
Feel your energy inside expand,
I'll wish for that moment as I always do,
And I've wished upon a star, so my wish will come true.


Saravanan said...

The concluding part of the poem is brilliant...The lines

Until the day I gently hold your face,......................
Feel your energy inside expand,

are truely a beautiful personification of love....
I beleive it is hard to describe love,but those lines seem to do it ....great stuff

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